Notes And Sketches From A City
![Handsworth Hall [click for larger image]](sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/handsworthhall.jpg.w300h400.jpg)
The past, the present and the future meet here.The meeting place, the second city of England, the birth place of the
Industrial Revolution, a musical crucible.... Birmingham, a city of a million or so people. It's not perfect, but it's home.Having
said that, welcome, one and all to this website, primarily about Birmingham, but by the very nature of of time, people and
place, also about England, The Heart of Albion, looked at from the point of view of Birmingham. History, music (lots of that)
people, places. We'll try and dig up some of the odd side to Birmingham and the West Midlands, and our neighbours. Look....we're
going to get moving here; you coming along, then?

![Town Hall Handsworth Wood [click for larger image]](sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/townhallhandsworthwood.jpg.w300h225.jpg)
Well you do that then!....... Meanwhile, to the rest of you, a belated welcome to this Birmingham website.
Though the picture to the left is of the old Handsworth Townhall, this is Birmingham, yesterday and today, with links
to everything that this living. vibrant city has to offer. As many of you may already know, The Birmingham Science Museum
has moved to new and bigger quarters in Digbeth, visit, and visit often, our history is there, James Watt, Matthew Boulton,
William Murdoch, and many, many more. Now, do we have the finest symphony orchestra in the world?...Yes we do!...Visit
them at their website, along with The Birmingham Royal Ballet, and......what would Birmingham be without The "Rep".....they've
got a website too, the links can be found here .Birmingham International Airport's website
is the place to visit if you're about to go travelling, and please be very quiet when you go passed the City Council Chambers,
the guard gets a bit stroppy, especially, if he hasn't had his links to news, views, entertainment(The Brumbeat
is of specially interest for those of us who are old enough to remember Go Now, by the original lineup of The Moody Blues)....and,
before you say anything, Swarb may not have been born in Birmingham, but he grew up and did his apprenticeships here, so as
far as we're concerned Swarb's a Brummie, along with....well the list's endless, we'll try to provide as many links as possible,
plus links to everything else that makes up the picture that is Birmingham...go ahead, explore, see what we're all about........and
ignore old whatisface in the corner, 'e's still sellabilgin'.....


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at the BBC
all the local news, sports,
weather, and what's important
to you
a voluntary
association of public
and private groups and individuals
interested in the heritage of
Birmingham and its surroundings
our website on the music
of the Sixties in Birmingham
the British music scene
from then to now and
back again, and
jam sandwiches from the
our compliementary website
to our Brumbeat site
and other tales
a rogues gallery from the
Birmingham Police Museum
this too from the BBC
David Cross explores the role of the
British bobby in Victorian Birmingham
from the Social Studies Department at
the BBC
the folks, the places, the times,
local history and the region's
railway history.
our website on the canals of England
very much part of this story
the national society responsible
for the study and protection of
Victorian and Edwardian
architecture and other arts
Birmingham & Black Country Canals
with digital photographs, postcards
and information about the Midlands
waterway network
the main line operating subsidiary of the
Birmingham Railway Museum Trust
Thomas H. Marshall
First Published 1925 by
Leonard Parsons Ltd.,
and Printed in Great Britain by
Morrison C Gibb Ltd., Ianfield,
![Stoneleigh Swans [click for larger image]](sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/.pond/stoneleigh-swans.jpg.w180h262.jpg)
The Stoneleigh Swans |