The Wild Side Of Birmingham

Countrylife within a city, you bet, and lots of it. Some years ago,
The Wild Side of Town, well that's what this page is all about, the wild side of Brum...we know, we know, you thought it was going to be about
parties and carryings-on, (we might get to that yet!) Nature definitely has its place in this city, there are parks in abundance,
and other wildlife areas that have been set aside, an example is Moseley Bog, which was part of the inspiration for The Old Forest in
J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.

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in the centre of Handsworth and
is a welcome oasis for the many
people who visit. The park reflects
the many different and varied
cultures in staff and users of the park.
there are more than 8000 acres
of parks and open spaces within
it's not just another park.
It is a nature reserve which
consists of woodland,
heathland and wetlands

Presented by John Craven, Countryfile
reports on the latest rural and
environmental stories.
Join the team at 11am on
Sunday on BBC One
from BBC Birmingham
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